Monday, March 24, 2008

Me Hungry

Wow what I day.... I was actually very hungry today. I can honestly say that this is first time since I started that hunger was an issue. It is hard to say why. I was prepared and it seemed like all I did was eat but here it is almost bed time and I still have 4 points left. I also had a nicotine craving today. That is the first time that has happened in months. I have to think that something triggered both of them. A thought, a taste, a smell, a situation. I am not really sure what it may have been but I am going to give it some thought. On the plus side I did not cave either craving.. I had a mint when I had the nicotine craving and it went away. I also called my wife to talk about it, that seemed to help also. I even took a walk around the building... Not enough walking for an activity point though..... maybe tomorrow...........................

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