Tuesday, April 29, 2008

1 flex point

Today was a great day..... It was my daughters birthday and we had a very good time. My solution to taking her to breakfast was doing extra circles and letting her play some pegal this morning before we were off to school (daycare). Circles? I am very fortunate that my work schedule is very flexible. I can get up in the morning do some work on the computer and hang out with her until 9 or 9 30 before I head to the office most mornings. My wife think day care is great for her. Her school teaches her so much, especially social skills. Anyway, she like to go around the culdesacs in the neighborhood before school and we have kind of made a game of it. Well this morning we did extra circles and even went past school ( she thinks that is funny). she even made drawings for her friends. She wanted to give them gifts on her birthday ( talk about being a proud papa). Anyway, I did great on water today, again exceeding my goal and did great on veggies. As I totaled up dinner from my daughters favorite pizza place I found that I actually needed to use one flex point...... guess I better get some exercise in to get an activity point!!!!!!!! Strong week continues to go well........ I will keep you posted


Kathy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Rick. I love meeting new people and sharing this journey. I'm on my third year and I think the blogging community has made all the difference for me. I have never committed to weight loss for this long before. And it is a great place to unload a lot of the good and bad you may be feeling.
Congratulations on how well you are doing! I've subscribed to your blog and will be visiting you every day. Good Luck!

Matt Keeling said...

Great job again! 1 flex point will not be the end of you, but as I have stated in my blog, exercise is key.

Have a great day