Thursday, May 22, 2008

weigh in eve of week 12

twelve weeks and only 18.4 pounds. I expect big success this week..... I need to get back on a roll


Matt Keeling said...

18.4 over 12 is great. Don't be discouraged by the scale. Think about the things you have noticed in yourself. Is your energy up? Do you feel better? If it comes of a pound a week but you feel better you are successful.

You know my motto on the whole thing I think. Keep moving. and when you wanna stop, move a little more. You have to be cautious of sodium and really look at what your eating.

You can do this. GoaD is always around for help! I am sure you will have a good week this week!

TB--Milwaukee said...

18.4 in 12 weeks is over 1.5 pounds a week!

If your looking for bigger numbers you'll only set yourself up for failure. Look at the non-scale victories and measurements. Have you lost a pant size? The weight loss will happen, but don't get hung up on the numbers.

How much do you expect to lose every week? 1% is healthy.