Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Journey interupted?

Some 90 odd days ago I set out to change my life style and lose a lot of weight. This week I have been way off track. Again, not through binge eating, but making bad choices. I am not sure if I have gained weight. Not really as concerned about that as I was 90 days ago. What I do not is that I feel bad. Not mentally per se, but physically my gut just hurts. My system is staging a revolution to the pollution I am putting into my body.... I thought I would share why I believe I got off track and how I will look at the positives to motivate me to get back in the saddle...

First , I think my stray was due to boredom. Not boredom with the program because you can eat anything. I went through two weeks here recently where I was constantly busy. 24/7 with work and projects around the house so we could get ready for my daughters grad party. during that time we tried to find simple, fast solutions to eating. We did but they became boring to me and when we did have the chance to relax a bit no one wanted to cook so we took the easy way out with pizza, Chinese,etc. I could have made better choices at those times even with eating pizza and Chinese I just chose to be lazy. I also did not write a thing down basically since last Saturday. What I have learned is that while not tough, it does take some planning to eat healthy. While I am the one that is ultimately responsible for my actions it amazes me how much society enables us to be unhealthy.

My goal in this some odd 90 days was to lose 30 pounds, about 10 pounds a month. I am about 8 pound short of that goal. I have been warned that setting goals having to do with time frames and scales is a bad idea ( on a side note I have always found great support in the WW forums, especially on Guys on a Diet. Recently it has been more ridicule that support and needless to say I am a bit disappointed - does not include the readers of this blog that comment and also participate on WW boards) While I understand the advice of not setting time goals so you do not lose motivation I find that I need to set these goals to learn, push and stretch myself. Just like in my career I set lofty goals. I may fall a bit short sometimes but that does not bother me. You know what they say about small goals....

In this 90 days I am more comfortable in my clothes. I do not have heart burn ( except for this week). I do not feel bloated ( except for this week). I drink tons of water now instead of tons of pop. I eat more veggies. I think about what I am eating, even it is bad. and I am closer to my goal than I was 90 days ago. So as I get back on the horse I am not riding off into the sunset but getting ready to ride the range again. With all the peaks and valleys that go with it the ride and view is pretty good.........


Matt Keeling said...

Now thats what I am talking about! Lets go get rid of some lbs together! Do more!

TB--Milwaukee said...

I couldn't have done this without having goals and time-related goals. Everyone gets motivated differently and if it helps you stay focused, go for it. Just don't make them too unrealistic. 10 pounds in a months sounds realistic.

Many of the GOAD guys get hung up on the lifestyle without really understanding that many of us are doing it for the DIET aspect first and then embracing the lifestyle.